PA: Superior Court removes Allegheny County judge from sex offender’s resentencing

The state Su­pe­rior Court, in a rare move Wed­nes­day, or­dered Al­le­gheny County Com­mon Pleas Judge Donna Jo McDaniel to be re­moved from a case, find­ing that there was “sub­stan­tial ev­i­dence” that she “demon­strated bias and per­sonal an­i­mus” against both the de­fen­dant and the pub­lic de­fender’s of­fice rep­re­sent­ing him. Full Article

Follow-Up: Allegheny County judge ordered removed by Superior Court from sex offender case recuses

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God works in wonderful ways.

It’s pretty bad when even the State says you’re biased. From Footnote 6:
“Even the Commonwealth recognized the trial court’s hostility to defense counsel and the appearance of bias that the trial court showed.”
As the article says, the Superior Court gave a “blistering” opinion. Blistering indeed! This judge not only has animus and contempt for the PDO and defendant, but seemingly the Superior Court as well. I suspect this is not the end of things for this horrible, biased judge.

@TS I thought it was clear this judge was following the nassar judge’s despicable example.

One of the burdens of being a judge is to set personal opinions and feelings aside and rule according to what the law says. Manipulating circumstances to fit the law is for the lawyers to do, not judges. Sadly, most judges are incapable of that, particularly when presiding over cases involving sex offenses.

“Judge McDaniel is an ex­tremely bright and ded­i­cated judge who has for many years pro­tected the rights of the ac­cused and at the same time guarded the rights of the vic­tims and wit­nesses in very se­ri­ous, of­ten vi­cious, sex of­fender cases which can spark sig­nifi­cant dis­agree­ment be­tween coun­sel and the court,”

How is she so bright if she can’t follow simple directions?

Yes she is extremely biased.

Judge Jo McDaniel was the one who convicted my husband, and forced him to live in alleghney county through a special court order. She specifically said he had to have an alleghney address, and stated it in such a way that he couldn’t be homeless. He couldn’t have an address that was a street corner or under a bridge. His sentence was 3 months in jail, and 5 years probation. He spent almost 6 months in jail.

He PO told him that he was in violation of his probation sitting in jail, because he didn’t have a alleghney county address when he was suppose to be released. The PO let him out for a month, and we eventually found a place to rent. It cost us our house/home. I was ticked. Talk about standing by your man. Now we have a forclosure on our back all because of her. Live in what we consider an unsafe place with some shootings around us.

Now we are severly hindered trying to get a house with the forclosure on our back, and the fact he is having a very hard time trying to find a job just because he is on megans law registery. A whole other issue. A temp service told him point blank that they couldn’t hire him because he was on the registery. At least they were honest.

All I can do now is trust in Jesus, since I have more bills and debt than income. Yes I do forgive Judge Jo McDaniel.

Life in prison for pleading guilty to CP and a long term relationship with a 15 year old met on grindr (18+).

“The only appropriate sentence for someone who has sex with a minor is life,” she (the judge) said.


This is a perfect example of an activist judge, unlike those the Rightists complain about.